Obiex Central Obiex Central Cameroon: Expanding Across West Africa In a significant step towards achieving our goal of crypto inclusion, we headed to Cameroon to host our first Obiex Central for our customers and the broader crypto community.
Cryptocurrency Escalating Israeli-Iranian Tensions Ripple Through Crypto Markets Rising Israeli-Iranian tensions are impacting the crypto market. Here's what we know so far.
Cryptocurrency Top Most Influential Crypto Twitter Accounts 2024 Bitcoin might have been created elsewhere, but Africans have adopted and fallen in love with it.
Cryptocurrency From Forex to Crypto: Somehcrypto's Journey SomehCrypto is the founder of Felbeth, an Ed-tech and an African socio-financial platform pushing Crypto adoption in Africa and beyond.
Obiex HQ Obiex Year in Review (2022) In 2022, we grew the Obiex user base by over 30,000 with a transaction volume of $3.6 billion- a 200% growth in user base and a 600% growth in transaction volume, Year-on-Year.
Obiex HQ Obiex Virtual Cards is a Dream Come True- Obiex CEO Join the team today to try the Obiex virtual cards across borders. Create your Obiex virtual card and start testing it today.
Obiex HQ How I Almost Got Kicked Out of a Plane - Obiex CEO In what was a friendly chat, the CEO shared some of his personal experiences that inspired many of the unique features we now enjoy while using Obiex.