Crypto Spotlight Africa; Yele Bademosi

Crypto Spotlight Africa; Yele Bademosi

Crypto Spotlight Africa is a series where we highlight the disruptors, frontline enthusiasts, major traders and key players in the crypto (and blockchain) space in Africa.

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Who is Yele Bademosi?

Yele Bademosi is the founder of Microtraction and Bundle Africa as well as the co-founder of Nestcoin. He studied Medicine at King’s College London before dropping out to learn user interface design and software development.

In 2017, he founded the angel fund VC - Microtraction, which has invested in over 10 startups since its inception. In 2019 he joined Binance as the Director of Binance labs where he focused on developing the blockchain ecosystem in Africa, till he stepped down in 2020. That same year, he founded Bundle - a payment app for cash and cryptocurrency to help make crypto transactions easier to carry out in the continent.

The self-taught designer and developer has several investments and apps under his belt including, Chaka, Bitsika and Yellowcard.

He stepped down as the CEO of Bundle Africa in July 2021. According to his announcement post on Medium, his decision came as a result of his desire to delve into other areas (beyond regular buy-and-sell trading) in the African crypto community that need support.

In a Forbes article, Yele Bademosi says he believes “that blockchain and decentralized technologies can open up the internet again, and create a new playing field that new entrants could play on.”

As the cryptocurrency and blockchain wave continues to sweep and expand across Africa, it is clear that Yele Bademosi will surely have a hand in its growth and development as he has proven to do.