That's So Crypto: Crypto Gave Me My First Million But I’m Never Doing Crypto Again

-Williams, 27
I made my first million (naira) in the bull run of 2021. Before that, I had been working as a graphic designer in a media company, making ₦80K monthly.
When I saw the credit alert hit my account, I immediately resigned, called my guys, and went to the club. Funny enough, I don’t remember that night, but the morning after? I can never forget.
I woke up around 9 a.m. to multiple debit alerts and a balance of about ₦180k. I started calling my guys one by one to explain how we finished all that money. They were laughing and making jokes, but nothing was funny to me.
In my head, I was calculating how I would beg my old boss for my job back.
I knew my pride would not let me sha.
After a day or two, when I no longer felt so foolish, I opened my crypto wallet and saw I had about $200 left. I texted the person who introduced me to crypto and asked him what I could buy with that $200. He told me to buy BTC, ETH and some other small coins. I did as he said, but I had already lost the energy for anything crypto. So I did what any sensible person would do - arranged my CV and started looking for work.
Luckily, I got a job as a graphic designer a month later, and a year later, I moved to product design and switched to working in a fintech.
The crypto I bought in 2021 is still in my wallet, and I don’t think I will ever do anything trading again, even if another bull run comes.