That’s So Crypto: Bitconnect? BitNothing

I felt I had become a successful crypto trader. In fact, I became very popular on campus, and I was nicknamed "Crypto".

That’s So Crypto: Bitconnect? BitNothing
That's So Crypto is a series where we share stories of people's experiences with Crypto.

- Godwin

I first heard about crypto in 2014 during the days of MMM, although I didn’t seriously consider it until 2016 when I heard about a crypto coin called Bitconnect.

They had a platform where you could buy their coin with other crypto and then stake it on the same platform. So, I started researching how to buy Bitcoin so I could use it to purchase BitConnect and stake it (at that time, crypto exchanges were very rare).

I was able to buy Bitcoin with all the money I made on Fiverr that month from one of my friends, Flow. Eventually, I bought the Bitconnect, and I staked it.

Everything was going well; the value of the coin grew exponentially. I felt I had become a successful crypto trader. In fact, I became very popular on campus, and I was nicknamed "Crypto". A lot of people begged to invest with me, and I even foolishly agreed.

At some point, I felt I had grown bigger than Freelancing because of what I saw in my BitConnect portfolio. But alas, everything was a bubble that was about to burst.

One cold morning, I came to log in to the website like I do every morning.

Surprisingly,  the URL was redirected to Coinmarketcap. I felt it was my browser that was misbehaving. I cleared the cache and history and tried again, but it was the same thing. I decided to check the coin on Coinmarketcap and met the shocker of my life: the coin was no longer there.

At that point, it dawned on me that I had been scammed.

Long story short, I lost all I invested and was indebted to some people.

I didn’t give up on crypto, though. Fast forward to 2017, and I did my research on a coin that was launching called Electroneum.

Because of the hype around it, I was sure it would make sense. I was able to buy $200 worth during the ICO, and after it launched, it did very well. It grew well over 1500% over time. That was how I cleared off the debts BitConnect put me in.