What's Up With Money The Money Conversations We Need To Have What's one thing you wished was talked about more openly when it comes to money?
What's Up With Money Don’t Study Architecture If You Don't Have a Trust Fund In this episode of What’s Up With Money, Praise breaks down how much it cost her to survive her first year in a public university and how her perspective on money has changed since then.
What's Up With Money Nigeria to Gambia -The Real Cost of Moving and Living In this episode, Madonna breaks down the cost of relocating from Nigeria to Gambia and how much it costs to live in The Gambia.
What's Up With Money Church Chairman Reveals How Church Funds Are Managed In this episode, a church chairman with 7 years of experience gives a detailed breakdown of his church’s expenses.
What's Up With Money 17 Young Nigerians Share Their Retirement Goals We asked 17 young people when they want to retire, what their future plans are, and how much they need to retire right now.
What's Up With Money People Say My Wife Wears The Money Pants What's Up With Money is a series that digs into the many layers of money by chatting with all kinds of people - individuals, couples, families, friend groups, roommates, you name it! We publish a new interview bimonthly by 10 am on Friday.
What's Up With Money We Are Each Other’s Financial Lifesavers What's Up With Money is a series that digs into the many layers of money by chatting with all kinds of people - individuals, couples, families, friend groups, roommates, you name it! We publish a new interview bimonthly by 10am on Friday.